FREE M&M’s Fonts That are as Sweet as Your Imagination
When it was introduced in 1941, M&Ms were an innovation. Imagine: it was sweet hard candy on the outside and melt-in-your-mouth chocolate on the inside.
Back then, it was the first of its kind. Today, the famous candy is being sold to over 100 countries. You can even personalize it with custom messages and letters.
Melts in your Mouth
Forrest Mars, Sr. Was inspired by the British-made Smarties that he saw during the Spanish Civil War. Once he got a patent for his own hard panning (process of creating a hard shell candy with a smooth surface and crunchy bite) method, he began production.
If you’re wondering what the ‘Ms’ stood for, it’s for Forrest Mars, Sr. and Bruce Murrie of Hershey’s Chocolates. Murrie was responsible for the chocolate inside the candies because he had a 20 percent share in the product. Initially, the iconic letter ‘m’ printed in white was black.
The first big customer of the candies was the U.S. Army. In fact, during WWII, M&Ms were solely sold to the military. The candy only came in a plain variety – the peanut variant wouldn’t be available until 1954. Other variants, including discontinued ones, were introduced in the 1980s and 1990s.
Love the multi-colored button-shaped chocolates? Then you will also love these fonts inspired by the candy. Aachen SB Medium by Scangraphic Digital Type Collection and ITC Lubalin Graph Demi by Adobe are great choices, but they’re not free. For the gratis version, visit All Your Fonts.